David Davidar's The House of Blue Mangoes
Topic started by quantum (@ bkj-cache81.jaring.my) on Mon Feb 18 21:44:53 .
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.
Did any of you guys read it?I read the review about the book,Seems an interesting book to read.
- From: siddharth (@ user-2ivebgh.dialup.mindspring.com)
on: Sat Feb 23 04:30:43
It is a saga of three generations of Christian Nadar community in the south. The patriarch Dorai a landlord in the village also panchayat President rules the village with an iron hand and goes on to describe the family of his children and grandchildren with the passage of time, independence etc. The caste system among christians , the rituals (almost Hindu), the hopes and aspirations, love affairs etc in village life. It is well written except at the beggining it gets to be drawn out and boring.It is a buy.
- From: prakash (@ hse-toronto-ppp313889.sympatico.ca)
on: Sat Feb 23 16:56:12
This book was a joy to read, In the end, I was left cherishing the memories of Chevathar and Chevathar Neelam.
- From: tanvi buch (@ adsl-64-174-69-106.dsl.sntc01.pacbell.net)
on: Wed Aug 14 23:28:39
This book was a delight! I agree that it was a little slow in the beginning. Though in retrospect, despite the fact that Solomon Dorai's life was the "bravest" and full of ancient heroic adventure, it was the slowest in pace. In comparison, Daniel Dorai's was more scientific and his son Kannan Dorai's very contemporary and British. It is remarkable how these men, from successive generations, had such different lives yet were drawn emotionally by their native village to return and settle there. I feel like I read three books about three very different characters, and their very different quality of experiences. I thought Davidar very subtly addressed a beautiful point - of Kannan's experience and what he feels and says before he finally leaves the tea estates at Pulimed.
The one thing I realized about the book was that it lacked sufficient conversation - it struck me that though there was rich, vivid description about feelings and places, there was very little conversation. I think more oral exchange between people would have been better.
- From: JAYESH.V.S (@ )
on: Fri Feb 27 01:54:30
Sir Iam doing my Thesis work on David Davidar's HOUSE OF BLUE MANGOES.For the completion of the thesis I should get a complete biography of the author and the review works on the book and the author. Please forward a detailed biography to my email at the earliest.
- From: Sashi (@ d66-183-128-243.bchsia.telus.net)
on: Fri Dec 17 23:02:14
could I get an email address od David Davidar please?
- From: Sashi (@ d66-183-128-243.bchsia.telus.net)
on: Fri Dec 17 23:02:33 EST 2004
could I get an email address od David Davidar please?
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