Michael Ondachi - "Anils' Ghost"
Topic started by Nith (@ spider-tm044.proxy.aol.com) on Tue May 22 15:11:59 .
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.
Is anyone here a fan of Michael Ondachi (The author from Srilanka)??? I am only aware of two of his work, one was "English Patient" also was made into a movie based on his book. I think his latest book was "Anils' Ghost", which I am still in the midst of reading it, I am still not done with it. Does anyone know any other books written by him?? Did anyone else read this book "Anils' Ghost" what's your insight on this book?
- From: Nith (Nithya) (@ spider-we044.proxy.aol.com)
on: Wed May 30 11:44:39
If anyone read the above, sorry, I made a mistake with the Author's name. It should be Michael Ondaatje and not Michael Ondachi.
Michael Ondaatje was born in Sri Lanka, and came to Canada in 1962. He now lives in Toronto.
Here's a review of his latest novel Anil's Ghost:
The time is our own time. The place Sri Lanka, the island nation off the southern tip of India, a country formerly known as Ceylon, which is steeped in centuries of cultural achievement and tradition - and forced into the late twentieth century by the ravages of civil war and the consequences of a country divided against itself.
Into this maelstrom steps a young woman, Anil Tissera, born in Sri Lanka, educated in the West, a forensic anthropologist sent by an international human-rights group to work with local officials to discover the source of the organized campaigns of murder engulfing the Island.
Bodies are discovered. Skeletons. And particularly one, nicknamed "Sailor." What follows, in a novel vivid with character and event, is a story about love, about family, about loss, about the unkown enemy and the quest to unlock the hidden past - all propelled by a riveting mystery.
Unfolding against the deeply evocative background of Sri Lanka's landscape and ancient civilization, Anil's Ghost is a literary spellbinder - a timeless work of art and a revelatory journey. It is Michael Ondaatje's most powerful novel to date, and confirms his reputation as one of the world's foremost writers.
- From: Ganesh (@
on: Thu May 31 13:53:51
3 of his other writting are;
"Running in the Family"
"In the Skin of a Lion"
"Coming Through Slaughter"
He is a poet too... and he has an elder brother named Christopher Ondaatje... his father was a binge...
- From: utopia (@ 64-48-118-19.customer.algx.net)
on: Thu May 31 14:57:22
I am currently reading the book. Actually slowly reading it for 4 weeks! Very well written ... there is a lot of depth even in minor characters.
P.S: I was surprised to see this discussion topic :)
- From: DIVAKARAN (@ )
on: Thu Sep 6 04:52:22
Anil's Ghost is a beautiful book.I would like to recommend "The Reef " by another Srilankan born writer Romesh Gunsekhera to readers interested in this genre of books.The helplessness felt by Srilankans as a result of the ongoing ethnic conflist is reflected in these works.And the longing for the country they were born is all prelevant in the narration.
- From: Expat (@
on: Sat Sep 8 21:59:57
If not for the LTTE and the Bandaranaikes, what a nice country Sri Lanka might have been! What a tragedy...
- From: Expat (@
on: Sat Sep 8 22:01:17
Not that its not nice, but to think of it in terms of a useless ethnic conflict is unfortunate and meaningless.
- From: xxxxxxxxxxxx (@
on: Tue Nov 6 01:32:04
- From: Paolo (@ )
on: Tue Jan 15 09:06:35
I'm sorry, but this must stand as one of the most boring books I have ever had the misfortune to endure
- From: Expat (@ mail.waldorf.edu)
on: Tue Jan 15 17:41:09
Anyone who can relate to SL will love the book.
- From: Zainab (@ hse-kitchener-ppp321395.sympatico.ca)
on: Thu Mar 14 22:29:39
Hmm.. well, I am yet to get my hands on "Anil's Ghost", but speaking of Sri Lankan writers, I would strongly recommend the works of Shyam Selvaraj.. he writes beautifully..
- From: fridge (@ netcache7.is.co.za)
on: Fri Mar 15 09:12:05
Anil's ghost, great reading, Micheal ondantjie way of describing detail, where he described Anils comfort zone in the laboratory stool just wowed me. great reading,
Question, description of houses and ruins with pools outside to "wash your feet it" Very magical, do they really exist.
- From: jimmy (@ dialup-
on: Tue Apr 30 18:04:58
this book was boring
- From: Zain (@ hse-kitchener-ppp321049.sympatico.ca)
on: Tue May 14 13:22:49
Aah.. finally got to read "Anil's Ghost".. the book has a magical quality.. the character portayals are deep, raw.. Ondaatje's words linger on in memory long afterwards..
- From: Smriti Mishra (@ )
on: Thu May 8 03:35:34
Just finished reading Anil's ghost. Disturbing. Eye painter, Ananda is amazingly portrayed, first as life giver to the stone and with similar dexterity carving a face out of a skeleton. Chisel giving away the burial of pain, longing, the love…
Great read.
- From: Sherman Sherwood (@ wc09.mtnk.rnc.net.cable.rogers.com)
on: Wed Dec 24 21:32:58
he I 've read the book and It was great i tell you...But u need to stop sucking too much pussy.....!!!!! I mean my winky is getting soft just thinkin about u...u pussy eatin cum drinking hore>>.>!!! OH ...AHH!!! My clit are getting hard.....drink my cum....
- From: ravi (@
on: Thu Dec 25 12:57:32 EST 2003
- From: quake (@
on: Tue Jan 20 19:55:30 EST 2004
- From: jacq (@ c211-30-60-250.belrs1.nsw.optusnet.com.au)
on: Tue Jul 27 07:46:52
i need quotes
- From: Deanna (@ px8wh.vc.shawcable.net)
on: Thu Dec 30 21:46:51
I have read it, and I found it rather interesting, but the ending was too abrupt, with Sarath dying, and Anil leaving. But I'm just wondering, what do you people think the most important phrase, paragraph, or quote is? I'm having difficulty finding one that seems appropriate.
Other books by Michael Ondaatje are "The Collcted Works of Billy The Kid", "The Cinnamon Peeler', "In the Skin of a Lion"
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