Christians and the caste system
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Christians and the caste system by Devant Maharaj
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Devant Maharaj (Trinidad, West Indies)
Christians and the caste system
CASTE is not an Indian word but a derogatory epithet introduced in India by Portuguese missionaries in the 16th century to describe the Hindu society. They assumed that the Brahmins commanded the same authority and power as the Christian clergy did in their own time in Europe. The reality is that the Brahmins in India never commanded the authority and power of the Christian clergy. They controlled neither the economy nor the army, both of which the clergy did in Medieval Europe.
It is a serious mistake to view caste from the European Christian and imperialistic viewpoints. These were hostile to Hindu civilisation and society which they were trying to undermine to serve their own interests. They also lacked the historical perspective necessary to understand it.
To properly study the role of caste, we must look at it from the perspective of Indian history and culture. The Indian word for what is called caste is varna. The clearest definition of varnashrama or duties of different sections of society was given by Sri Krishna in the Bhagvadgita. He says: "caturvarnyam maya srishtam guna-karma vibhagashah." This simply means: "The four varnas (castes) were created by me based on guna (character) and karma (duty)." It was a social order meant to ensure stability and proper functioning of society.
A Brahmin was needed for education and cultivation of scholarship. But he could not exist without the support of Kshatriya, the Vaishya or the Shudra. The Kshatriya was the political leader and warrior. The Vaishya was the trader and Shudra was engaged in productive activities like farming and labour. There is no mention of one caste being superior to another. Every one of them is equally important for the proper functioning of society.
Churches in India and world-wide claim that they do not discriminate on caste lines and they criticise Hindu society for caste discrimination day in and day out. But the fact remains that churches practice discrimination based on caste. This is a paradox of which one must be aware. The Catholic Bishop's Conference of India itself mentions that caste discrimination prevails inside the church. This is the observation of their General Body Meeting held in Varansi, India from March 21 to 28, 1998 and the minutes of the meeting were published in a special issue of Catholic India: Here are some excerpts:
"Christianity is not a caste religion. Church is the people of God and all the people are equal before God. The various churches are also equal. There may be elder sisters and younger sisters among the churches but no superior and inferior. But it is a sad fact that the caste system on which social organisation has been built, has entered into the Church of India.
"The depressed classes of people belonging to the lowest level of the caste hierarchy were known harjans. Today the term Dalits is used to denote them. Literally, the word means the weak, the broken, the oppressed. In the Church today the name 'Dalit Christians' is used to denote Christians of scheduled caste origin. The problem of the Dalit Christians has come to focus today. The Dalit Christians are in fact discriminated against by the government and the churches.
"The rights and privileges given to the Dalits by the government are denied to the Christian Dalits because they were converted to Christianity. It is a pity that in the Church also the Dalit Christians are discriminated against because they are low caste or out castes.
"It seems that the Church has not offered opportunities to the Dalit members to come up educationally and socially. As a result even after hundreds of years of their existence in the church, they remain on the periphery of the community. There are few priests and leaders of the Church from the Dalit section. In the states of Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh, Orissa, Bihar where majority of the Christians are Dalits and this problem is seriously felt. "
According to the reports 70 per cent of the Tamil Catholics are Dalits. It is reported that out of 14 Bishops in Tamil Nadu only one is a Dalit. The percentage of Tamil priests is only four per cent. There were no significant steps taken by the church until recently to lift the socio-economic condition of the Dalits. Vocation from Dalit Christians have not been encouraged. A Dalit priest's feelings have been expressed in the following words: 'We do understand that vocation is from God, but it boggles our mind why He should choose His priests from non-Dalit only. Is God too casteist? Does He also practise untouchability?'"
In March of this year Communities United to Fight Underdevelopment (CUFU) headed by Arthur Sanderson, a Christian, brought to Trinidad a United States Dalit Dr Birwa to lecture about discrimination of Dalits by Hindus and the caste system. It is unfortunate that Sanderson did not focus on discrimination and the caste system that exists in his own churches.
- From: Dr Jasjit Singh IRTS (@ )
on: Mon Dec 13 07:00:56
(Personal attention of the Hon`ble Prime Minister)
Prime Minister,
PM Office,
New Delhi
Sub: - Mercy Petition
I, J.J.Singh (Jasjit Singh), an officer from Indian Railway Traffic Service, 1977 batch, presently posted as Dy C.P.M./Admn in the office of the Freight Operation Information System, CRIS Camp, Chankyapuri, New Delhi, hereby submit my awful story of torture, as I had dared to expose corruption in the railways system.
Sir, during my posting as Sr. Divisional Commercial Manager, Ambala Division, (N. Rly) in the year 1992, I detected five big fraud cases of very serious nature, causing loss of crores of rupees to the national exchequer. The cases are listed below.
1. Fake booking of goods at Barnala station: The Railway staff at Barnala, in connivance with the local traders used to prepare fake railway receipts, booking wheat (without physical booking) ex Barnala to the other stations. The Railway receipts so prepared fictitiously used to be surrendered to the Central Bank of India at Bhatinda for withdrawal of 90% of the cost of the consignment (shown booked). At the destination station the consignees used to prefer claims against the railways for non-receipt of the consignments. There was a loss of crores of rupees to the National Exchequer. I conducted a preliminary investigation and filed an FIR with SP/CBI, Chandigarh, against the culprits, under section 465, 466, 467, 468 and 120B of I.P.C, vide my letter No. Sr. DCM/UMB/2/Confdl/92 dt. 28.9.1992. On my FIR the case was registered and probed and CBI Court Patiala convicted the culprits.
Shri Jasbir Pal Singh, the then DRM, Amabala reported the matter to the then General Manager, Northern Railway about the detection of serious scam by the undersigned vide his D.O letter No. Sr D.C.S/UMB/2/92 Dt.!St Jul 1992. .
2. Scam in reservation at Ambala Cantt: Shri Kailash Nath Mishra, an Enquiry Clerk was detected doing reservations on fake tickets ex Ambala to various other stations. At the time of detection, his income through unlawful source was more than Rs. 10 lakh per annum. I dismissed him from service after following the due procedure.
Matter was reported by Shri G C Sandle the then DRM Ambala, to the Chief Commercial Manager Northern Railway vide letter No. Sr. D.C.M/UMB/1/KNM/92. I also reported it to the HQ office vide letter No –Sr. D.C.S /UMB/92 Dated 22-9-92.
3. Fraud in parcels in transit at Ambala Cantt: Culprits used to replace the labels on the parcels in transit lying at the transit station for loading, with new labels for stations and consignees of their choice and used to take the delivery on fake documents. It was reported to the General Manager Northern Railway by Shri Jasbir Pal Singh, the then D R M Ambala vide letter No. Sr D.C.S/UMB/Confdl/Parcel/1993.
4. Circulation of fake Shatabadi tickets: - While conducting inspection on New Delhi-Chandigarh Shatabadi Express, I picked up a big racket of fake (Shatabadi Tickets). Shri Jasbir Pal Singh, the then DRM, Ambala reported the case to the General Manager, Northern Railway vide letter D.O.No. Sr D.C.S/UM/B/2/92 Dated 1st Jul 1992. Fake tickets were also enclosed for investigation by Railway Vigilance Dept.
5. Scam of assessment of damaged cement at Saharanpur : Associate Cement company used to book damaged cement ex-Kiratpur to Saharanpur for the purpose of claims from the Railways. The report was sent to the C.C.M. Northern Railway by the Additional D.R.M vide D.O. No Sr. D.C.M/UMB/Misc/Cement/92 in Feb 1993. After preliminary investigation, the CBI, Dehradun was requested to probe into the case.
C B I REPORT Vide report no. SIR No 1002/41/SIR/ACB CHG of CBI, Dehradun, Mr. K.C.Sharma the then Area Officer, Khan Alampura was held responsible for causing a loss of Rs. 14 Lacs to the Railways. Northern Railway ignored the recommendations of the CBI and issued him a warning letter without recovery of losses from him. He was promoted to Sr. Scale. On the contrary, I was issued a major penalty charge sheet (in reaction) for not permitting him the removal of the consignments, under investigation by the CBI. He was not a commercial officer but the charge against me was that I withdrew his commercial powers, which otherwise he did not have.
All the above serious scams were detected under my personal leadership. The then DRM, Shri Jasbir Pal Singh, DRM, Sh G.C.Sandle and ADRM Sh. T.S.Sahota, appreciated my achievements and duly reported the cases to the concerned officers in the H.Q Office of Northern Railway. People holding high position in the Railway Board were sharing the loot. Revengefully, the then Advisor Vigilance, Shri V.K.Aggarwal transferred me, from the post of Sr. Divisional Commercial Manager, to the post of Sr. Divisional Operation Manager (planning), Jodhpur Division with a stigma on my career that I should not be posted on a sensitive post in future. I approached everybody in the Railway System but my appeal was not heard.
Lastly, I met Shri C.K.Jaffar Sharif, the then Minister for Railways. The Hon`ble Minister quashed my transfer orders and restored me back as Sr. Divisional Commercial Manager, Ambala Division.
Shri V.K.Aggarwal who had failed to displace me from important post, revengefully withdrew my commercial and administrative powers and awarded the same powers to a junior non-commercial officer of the division. I filed my petition in the Hon'ble Central Administrative Tribunal, Chandigarh, challenging the withdrawal of powers assigned to the post by Govt. of India, held by me. To save himself from adverse orders of the Hon`ble Court, Mr Aggarwal transferred me to the post of Sr. Divisional Safety Officer. As there were no such powers, the CAT dismissed my complaint being anfractuous.
USE OF SUB STANDARD MATERIAL IN TRACK MAINTENANCE BY THE CIVIL ENGINEERS During my posting as Safety Officer, I noticed sub-standard material being used for strengthening of the track on Ludhiana Dhuri section. I reported the matter to the DRM vide letter No 1-T/Cnfdl/safety 1997 for remedial action in the interest of safety of the travelling public. I also pointed out other serious shortcomings in day to day working and unsafe condition of the track between Ludhiana & Ambala.
PRE-WARNING ABOUT KHANNA AND SARAI BANJARA RAIL ACCIDENTS As Senior Divisional Safety Officer Ambala, I gave a written warning, (vide my letter No -T/Cofdl/Safety) to the DRM Sh. R. S. Grover and other senior officers in the Head Quarter Office of Northern Railway that if the track was not improved to the required safety standards, some serious accident could take place. Unfortunately my advice was not heeded to and two serious accidents took place in the section causing deaths of more than 500 innocent passengers in addition to huge loss to the railway property.
ACCIDENT OF OFFICIAL VEHICLE OF DRM (MIS-USED) The official vehicle Van No DDA 9550 to be given to Safety Deptt. was misused and driven by Mr. Gurjot Singh, s/o Shri R.S.Grover (the then DRM, Ambala) met with an accident on 15-7-1996. To save his son, Mr. Grover manipulated the official records and fixed the responsibility on the driver of the vehicle Mr.Surjan Singh.
Surjan was given unwanted medical treatment, showing him a patient of `Mirgi, he ultimately expired. Later on Mr. J.M.S.Jaggi Office Supdt. Who was a tool in the manipulation of the documents committed suicide may be under guilt or planned strategy to finish the evidences against Mr. Grover's son.
FIR No.330 dated 15-7-1996 u/s 279/337of IPC registered with Haryana Police at Ambala, carries full description of Mr. Gurjot Singh as driver of the vehicle at the time of accident. Mr. Gurjot Singh was handed over to the Civil Police for prosecution, by the army personnel. Hon'ble Justice Surinder Singh in his judgement (accident claim case) u/s 166,MACT case No 199 of 16-9-1996 discussed the name of Mr. Gurjot Singh and Mr. R.S. Grover repeatedly, giving indication of Mr. Gurjot Singh being responsible for the accident. Hon`ble Court awarded a claim of Rs. 69,000/- to be paid by the Railways (being owner of the vehicle) to the injured person. Since I, (being a safety officer) was pressing very hard for the vehicle to be handed over to the safety dept, for night inspections. Mr. Grover managed my transfer from Ambala to Moradabad. Later on, I was transferred repeatedly to various other places for teaching me a lesson.
MY WIFE SUFFERED DEATH The continuous transfers, with an intention to torture and humiliation, made my wife and me seriously sick. I remained confined to bed for two and half years. I have turned to be patient of heart & diabetes. My wife could not bear the mental agony caused to the husband also fell seriously sick. I was not paid my salary for the period from 2.3.1999 till 22nd May 2001 reducing us to extreme poverty. I requested the Railway Department to give me advance from my own provident fund for the purpose of treatment of my wife but Railway did not oblige us. Ultimately my wife expired on 4th April 2001 for want of proper treatment. My salary for the said period is yet not paid.
I had been submitting my regular sick certificates to the Deptt, for the period of sickness i.e. from 13.3.1999 to 8.11.2001. After fitness, I reported to the DRM, Ambala for permission to join the duty as Dy.COM/Plg Ambala. I requested him to give me relieving orders to join at New Delhi as Dy.COM/Safety, where I had been posted, but the DRM Ambala took no action. I requested the General Manager, Northern Railway and Chairman Railway Board to permit me to join my duty. My request was not entertained till 21.5.2002. I had been attending the office for permission to join my duty continuously but my salary has been denied even for the period I had attended the office for duty.
PREVENTION OF ATROCITIES AGAINST SC/ST ACT (1989) FLOUTED I have been continuously tortured & discriminated by the communal elements in the railway administration, for my low caste. On 12-11-1997 Shri R.S.Grover, the then DRM, Ambala crossed all limits of decency and abused me publicly for my low caste. I could not tolerate the attack on my caste. I filed a complaint under the prevention of atrocities against SC/ST act (1989) against Shri R S Grover, the then DRM Ambala and Shri V K Aggarwal the then Chairman Railway Board, in the court of Ilaqua Magistrate, Ambala Cantt, on 26-3-1998. Prosecuting evidences appeared in the Court and prima facie case was established. Summoning orders against Shri R S Grover and Shri V K Aggarwal were issued on 21-2-2000 to appear on 21-3-2000. The accused officers approached the Hon'ble High Court, Chandigarh and were granted stay, on the proceedings of the lower court, on 8-6-2000 even without their bail applications.
NDA GOVT DEFENDED CRIMINALS The accused Sh V.K. aggarwal (former Chairman Railway Board) and Sh R.S.Grover (the then DRM, Advisor Electrical Railway Board) have been booked by the Hon`ble Court in their personal capacity as they had committed the offence in their personal capacity not as officers of govt of India. More over, govt of India has not been the party in the case at any stage, but the Ministry of Railways, has taken the case, to defend, at the govt. cost. The Ministry of Railways engaged costliest Advocate, Sh. K.T.S. Tulsi at very exorbitant rates. Railway Ministry pays to Shri K T S Tulsi @ Rs. 50,000/- per hearing & his junior Advocate. Shri Shrivastva @ Rs 10000/-per hearing. This cost is in addition to expenditure upon them on travelling by executive class of Shatabadi Express, air conditioned rest houses at Chandigarh, air conditioned cars for their attending the Court, salary and other allowances of the railway officers and staff attending the court on every date of hearing. High cost born by the railway has helped in delaying the prosecution of the culprits and justice to me in the High Court Chandigarh. It is mockery of the law that a big team of railway officers attends the court to represent the criminals on every date of hearing and take next date on various excuses, where as the accuses have yet not appear in the court for seeking bail.
In the last six years, the Ministry of Railways has spent more than Rs. 5000000 (fifty lacs) to save the accused officers (booked under the prevention of atrocities against SC/ST act 1989). This is how NDA protected the Dalits, Minorities and backward classes in its misrule during last six years.
ACCUSE ENGAGED PROFESSIONAL CRIMINALS While at Ambala, I was implicated in criminal case by professional criminals, engaged by the accused officers. The Hon`ble Court of the Special Railway Magistrate Ambala, through the Judgment dated 21st April 2004 has acquitted me holding both the accused, responsible for hiring a woman (daughter of the peon of Mr. R S Grover) of criminal character.
As per verdict of the Hon`ble Court, she was used for filing a case against me, under section 354 of IPC.
I am getting continuous threats on my life. I have been attacked three times in the last two months in Delhi. The matter is pending for investigation with Delhi Police. Now, I am under continuous fear of being killed. In case the accuses get success in eliminating me, they may be booked under the law accepting this letter as my last statement.
ISSUANCE OF FALSE CHARGE SHEETS To defile my image, particularly as a reaction to my exposing the corrupt elements holding high position in the Railways Board, I was issued five false charge sheets, and have been awarded major punishment in one of the case. Whereas the inquiry officer of CVC had specifically mentioned that there was no malafide intention and the integrity was not found doubtful.
Two charge-sheets were issued by (the accuse) Sh VK Aggarwal as General Manager, Northern Railway & other two by his successor Sh. S.P. Mehta under V.K.Aggarwal`s influence.
The present Chairman Railway Board issued me another charge sheet (as General Manager Northern Railway) for advising him condition of unsafe Railway Bridges. As safety officer of Northern Railway, I performed my duty, but he attempted to terrorise me, so that I could keep my eyes, ears and mouth shut, towards the misdeeds of engineers. Only this much could not quench his venomous thirst, he further added in the order that the appellant authority to review the punishment will be President as if General Manager of the Railway is just next to the President of the country.
VOILATION OF THE PROCEDURE Vide Ministry of Railway’s letter No77/E (GR)/1/4/2 dated 16/11/1977, I was appointed as class-I officer by the Hon`ble President Of India. The Ministry of Railway, Railway Board, letter No (D&A) 69 RG 6/12 dated 18/6/1969(NR4743: sc150/69) says, where the President is the appointing authority, the initiation of disciplinary proceedings against the officer requires approval of the Minister. But in my case the approval of the Minister has never been taken as it could expose the intention of the signing authority.
All the charge sheets were incomplete & issued after a gap of more than five years of the so-called omissions committed by me. The intention behind the issuance of the charge sheets was to deny me, my due promotion to the S.A.G, as I had been empanelled for the Senior Administrative grade in year 1996. My case for promotion is yet not considered where as eight batches junior to me have been promoted to Senior Administrative Grade. .
Nitish Kumar as Minister For Railways spoke a lie in the Parliament Mr. Aman Kumar Nagra local Member Parliament of Ambala, Haryana through Parliament Question No 15455/15 dated April 1999 asked the Minister for Railways (Shri Nitish Kumar) about the corruption in the Railways and specifically asked the action taken on the cases of corruption detected by me. The Minister denied that I had detected any fraud in the Railway Department. The Minister gave a false reply to the Parliament Question, as reply was prepared by the accuse Shri V.K.Aggarwal as Chairman Railway Board on the basis of information supplied by the other accuse Shri R S Grover as DRM Ambala. Just possible, Sh. Nitish Kumar could have thought that both J. J. Singh and Aman Kumar were Scheduled Castes who never deserved justice as per NDA hidden agenda.
False information to other constitutional bodies I approached the Chairman National Commission for SCs and STs and. National Human Rights Commission also but was never heard as every where it was Mr. V. K. Aggarwal to give the comment on my appeal and Mr. R S Grover to supply the basic information.
MY CRIME My crime is that I exposed the top Railway Board Officers, responsible for corruption and accidents. Since the exposure of corrupt practices in year 1992, I have been subjected to continuous torture and harassment; resultantly I lost my health, my reputation, my career and also my wife.
Particularly, when I am facing extreme danger to my life, possibility of any mishap with me is not ruled out. In that case, this letter may please be taken as my last statement, for booking the culprits under the law.
Prayer With utmost confidence, I approach your good self to kindly listen to my sad story of torture, victimization and injustice. It will restore confidence and moral strength among the officers who have lost the will to work in the most corrupt system of the country.
I am prepared fearlessly to face any investigation conducted by any agency. I will feel obliged if I am given an appointment to produce the concerned documents before your good self or any body appointed for the purpose.
Thanking you
Yours Faithfully,
(Dr J.J Singh IRTS)
Having been tortured to the inhumane limits by the corrupt and fundamentalist, holding high position in Indian bureaucracy, I sought enlightenment from the only saviour of the downtrodden communities, Dr Baba Saheb Ambedker. I heard his resounding voice giving his message to every member of downtrodden communities that,
To reform the Hindu society is neither our aim nor our field of action. Our aim is to gain freedom. We have nothing to do with anything else. If we can gain our freedom by conversion, why should we shoulder the responsibility of reforming the Hindu religion? And why should we sacrifice our strength . . . the object of our movement is to achieve social freedom for the untouchables. It is equally true that freedom cannot be secured without conversion.
At the same time, I saw the saviour of humanity, the incarnation of compassion, mercy and love, Lord Jesus Christ calling me,
Come to me, all of you, who are tired from carrying heavy loads, and I will give you rest. Math 11:28
So I could dare to break the shackles of slavery and embraced the religion of compassion, mercy and love. I submitted the following affidavit to the Government of India on 25/03/2002.
I, Dr.J.J. Singh, IRTS, S/o late Sh.Puran Singh resident of T-19, Railway Station, Ambala Cantt, do hereby solemnly affirm and declare as under: -
1. That, I was inducted in the service of Indian Railway as IRTS in 1977 and I had mentioned my religion as Hindu in the Service Record.
2. That, as the whole of the world knows that the inhumane blot and stigma of Casteism is permanently blended with the Hindutva and is inseparable part of the religion which is to last till the doom's day and even thereafter and the "Shuhdras" being looked down upon by the 'Swarnas" though now not being exhibited openly due to enactment of some prohibitory stature. The stinking corpse of Casteism is being dragged continuously in the wagon of Hindu Religion, since the time of Manu.
3. Having fallen prey to the monsters of Casteism at the hands of some high-ups of Indian Railways (Against whom criminal complaint is pending in the Hon'ble Court). I no more could live in a life of condemned ridiculed and humiliated member of a scheduled caste Community of Hindu Religious system and exercising my fundamental right to religion (enshrined in the constitution of India) I have changed my religion from Hindu to Christian to free myself from the shameful shackles of Shudra System of Untoucheability w.e.f. 25.03.2002.
Verification: -
Verified that the contents of the Para 1 to 3 of my above affidavit are true and correct to my knowledge. No part of it is false and nothing has been concealed therein.
Subsequently Mr Singh along with 1659 companions, embraced Christianity, in Ambala Cantt Haryana, on 25th march 2002. The Testimony of Mr Singh along with affidavit given by him to the Government of India.
I request you to kindly own me and give wide publicity to the drastic step taken by me.
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