blowing out birthday candles
Topic started by Roberta Jones (@ on Mon Jun 25 22:33:51 .
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.
I have an interest in finding out the history of the (Western?) custom of blowing out birthday candles. When I made a search, I was taken to your forum where it had apparently been a topic of discussion.
If someone knows, I would appreciate you sharing the information. Thanks.
- From: Naveen (@
on: Tue Jun 26 00:34:44
From " target="_top">"> Birthday cake candles
"The very concept of the birthday celebration is as ancient a superstition as any. The blowing out of the candles began with the Greek tradition in honor of the birthday of Artemis, goddess of the moon, marriage and childbirth. For this occasion special cakes were baked in the shape of the moon and candles were placed on altars within the temple. During the celebration the candles were to be blown out with one breath, and Artemis would then gaze favorably upon her worshippers."
There is more in:
" target="_top">">
This one has lots of information, but the tone is biased:
" target="_top">">
I know this isn't much. I hope the links work. There's more, but I am too tired at the moment ;-) Try Google; I did! Let me know later if you need help.
- From: ravi sundaram (@
on: Tue Jun 26 08:44:13
There is some problem with the google search engine in forumhub. I am not able to find the older thread where it was discussed.
Essentially in India lamps, (and hence candles) are considered good auspicious things. Blowing out or snuffing out a flame is considered an ill-omen and it will portend bad things. So when the western culture brought us the practice of blowing out the candles on a good day like birthday, many people dont like it. Especially the elders and the orthodox.
A lamp blowing out in the wind is the cliched way
indian movie directors prepare the audience for
impending disaster! Mostly hubby of the pretty herione would die in the next scene. So one can
understand why Indians are ambivalent about the practice of blowing out candles on birthdays.
- From: Diana (@
on: Wed Apr 3 17:21:35
Candles date back to the Greeks and Romans who thought that tapers or candles had magical qualities. They would offer prayers and make wishes to be carried up to the gods by the flames of the candles.
- From: Henrik Reintoft (@
on: Sat Nov 9 05:47:46
Hello Roberta
As a journalist in Denmark i´ve been asking the same quistion. My resarch tells mee that we have to go back to yera 336 ac. Then the chistians began to celabrate jesus birht by lighting af candel. A light og life. By blowing our the candle you actually blow out the life. Quite af paradox. Celebrating af britday is a qoute new tradition. Erlier we celebrated a mameday. First i 1800++ the rich people begang to celebrate birtday. But in the 1920 - 1930 we have the first evidence of a brithdaycake with candles. candles around the cake. This tradition came problably from even USA, Englad or Germany. A few year later the tradition of blowning out the candles began. But insteads of blowing out life we say, that the number of candles, which is not are blown out tells us, how many boy- or girlfriends we have. In that whay we change the symbolic og the candle, so it is okay to blow out. Hope this answers your qoustion. Sorre about my english, I havent been writing in englis for some years.
best regards
henrik reintoft
- From: Henrik Reintoft (@
on: Sat Nov 9 05:49:27
Hello Roberta
As a journalist in Denmark i´ve been asking the same quistion. My resarch tells mee that we have to go back to yera 336 ac. Then the chistians began to celabrate jesus birht by lighting af candel. A light og life. By blowing our the candle you actually blow out the life. Quite af paradox. Celebrating af britday is a qoute new tradition. Erlier we celebrated a mameday. First i 1800++ the rich people begang to celebrate birtday. But in the 1920 - 1930 we have the first evidence of a brithdaycake with candles. candles around the cake. This tradition came problably from even USA, Englad or Germany. A few year later the tradition of blowning out the candles began. But insteads of blowing out life we say, that the number of candles, which is not are blown out tells us, how many boy- or girlfriends we have. In that whay we change the symbolic og the candle, so it is okay to blow out. Hope this answers your qoustion. Sorre about my english, I havent been writing in englis for some years.
best regards
henrik reintoft
on: Tue Nov 11 13:13:32
I really want to know when its appropriate to blow out the candles and cut the birthday cake. Is it during the singing of "happy birthday" or is after the end of the song? Please help!
- From: ME (@
on: Wed Nov 12 08:18:36 EST 2003
- From: shalomjenifer (@ )
on: Wed Jan 7 07:06:00
- From: quake (@
on: Tue Jan 20 19:53:06 EST 2004
- From: lisa (@
on: Wed Feb 4 15:16:01 EST 2004
our boss is funny about people blowing on birthday cakes, he thinks they spit their spit and germs all over the cake and refuses to eat it. is there anything theyve invented that you could use to keep kids from spitting all over the birthday cake that other guests are waiting to eat other than just making the kid their own little cake and a seperate cake for the guests?
- From: quake (@
on: Mon Feb 9 07:24:32 EST 2004
- From: Sathiya (@
on: Mon Feb 9 22:02:58 EST 2004
Perhaps, instead o candles you can place small spark things (sorry forgot what they're called). Make sure you put them near the edge, so that when it dies out the spark residues don't end up on the cake. They're also fun to watch, although its brief.
- From: Sathiya (@
on: Mon Feb 9 22:03:36 EST 2004
Perhaps, instead of candles you can place small spark things (sorry forgot what they're called). Make sure you put them near the edge of the cake, so that when it dies out the spark residues don't end up on the cake. They're also fun to watch, although its brief.
- From: Nick (@
on: Sun May 2 06:45:32
Thanks for your postings! I'm pastor of a church in Vineland, N.J. Today six young people will be confirmed. I'm going to talk about the Paschal Candle, an ancient symbol of the risen Christ. It certainly is more important to add your light to that candle, and not blow it out!
I write "Firestarters"--one-minute introductions to a daily pasage from the Scripture. Here is the site:
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