James Hadley Chase Novels / Phantom Comics

Topic started by Dr. P.C. Sarkar (@ on Mon May 3 13:58:13 EDT 2004.
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.

Hi Folks

I am based in India, and a fan of James Hadley Chase for the past 30 years. I am also developing an exclusive website on him. I have 86 novels of JHC with me. I am in a position to provide many of the novels of JHC (not from my own collection, but from other sources) to other fans, in exchange for the following:

1. Miss Callaghan Comes to Grief
2. I'll Get You for This
3. Goldfish Have No Hiding Place
4. Blonde's Requiem
5. No Business of Mine
6. Try This One for Size.
7. But A Short Time To Live

I am prepared to mail 2 JHC books in exchange of one of each above.

As an alternate, I am prepared to send one JHC novel, in exchange for 5 copies of English Phantom (Lee Falk) Comics, (Indian/Indrajal/Diamond, Australian/Frew, American/DC/Gold Key/Moonstone or Swedish / Egmont) etc.

Hope you all will oblige and the exchanges, I am sure, will be mutually beneficial. Reply Soon!!




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