svAminAtha paripAlayAshu mAm Raga: nATa / Tala: Adi

P: svAminAtha paripAlayAshu mAm svaprakAsha vallIsha guruguha dEva sEnEsha
C: kAmajanaka bhAratIsha sEvita kArttikEya nAradAdi bhAvita vAmadEva pArvatI sukumAra vArijAstra sammOhitAkAra kAmitarttha vitaraNa nipuNacaraNa kAvyanATakAlaHNkAra bharaNa bhUmi jalagni vAyu gagana kiraNa bOdharUpanityAnandakaraNa

Oh Lord Svaminatha, please protect me without delay. You, the self-effulgent glorious Lord of Valli, oh Guruguha, the Lord of Devasena, please protect me.

He, Karttikeya, the one adored by Vishnu and Brahma, is held in high esteem by Narada and others. He is the distinguished son of Vamadeva and Parvati, and the beauty of his form fascinates even Cupid. His feet are capable of bestowing the desired boons on his devotees. He nurtures epics, dramas, and the Shastra of Alankara. He illumines the five elements, earth, water, fire, wind, and ether. He is of the form of knowledge, and can bestow eternal bliss on his devotees.