Too Small For Supernova

Topic started by Sitaram (@ on Sun Dec 26 11:48:47 EST 2004.
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.

I am writing my first book at

You may read for free.

The title comes from the fact that our sun is too small to end in a supernova. Only a star with eight times the mass of our sun or larger may end in such a spectacular fashion. Our sun will fade away as a white dwarf in 8 billion years (give or take a billion). There are things we could theoretically attempt to preserve terrestial life and human culture beyond the demise of our solar system, but as a species we seem forever incapable of uniting and pursuing any long range goal which might ensure our survival.

In my book, I explore many ideas, some of which are philosophical, some religious and some literary.

I investigate our desire for immortality.

I discuss what it is that we seek from the activity of authorship.

The book has some humor and some elements of science fiction.

I do not seek financial gain from my activity.

I write anonymously under the pen name "Sitaram."

It is my hope that one or two of my ideas will live on after me and change the world in some way.

But the end of life on earth spells the end of all human culture and endeavor.

Memorial lasts only as long as posterity.

Thanks for your time and interest.

I seek readership and value feedback.

Best regards,



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