tale of two lemmings

Topic started by rassool snyman (@ netcache1-ctn.is.co.za) on Thu Jan 15 17:20:15 EST 2004.
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.

A tale of two Lemmings

As the setting sun hastened to an impatient horizon, two lemmings stood at the edge of a steep and treacherous cliff peering into the dark shadowy depth.
“We must teach our youth the ways of our forefathers,” said the high priest, “lest they lose their way and forget the teachings of the great prophet Shimone Ra!”
“These are sad times. Our noble traditions are being eroded,” said the young priest shaking his head sadly, deep in thought
“Your recruitment plan was brilliant, just look at the number of believers!” said the high priest in amazement, his face crinkling into a pleased wrinkled smile.
“It is the will of Shing Li,” said the young priest modestly
“In the great book of revelation the prophet Shimone Ra commands us to run swiftly and cast ourselves of the cliff lest the wrath of Shing Li descend upon us. We must be obedient to the sacred command …” thundered the young priest as he lectures the novices. His eyes glittered with passion and he seemed to grow in stature till his presence filled the packed room.
The novices cheered and swore to cast themselves of the cliff.
“ We should not cast our selves off the cliffs it is wrong!” said a young nervous voice
There was a deathly silence. The young priest paled his lips pinched and his eyes blazed murderously.
It was the young, studious novice that was always asking questions!
“I went to the sacred book last night and read it! It said…”
“ You unbeliever you dare to blaspheme and accuse the great prophet Shimone Ra of lie? You go beyond all religious bounds and heap iniquity upon iniquity by daring to touch the sacred book.” hissed the voice of the high priest as he stepped, almost slithered, out of the alcove behind the podium.
“Only the anointed have the right to touch or interpret the sacred texts and you, mere novice, do not have such right,”
“But ……”
“Silence blasphemer! Any who touch the sacred book must die!”

As the young novice lay bleeding from the dagger wound he heard the lemmings rush toward the edge of the cliff; the crazed screams as they launched themselves off the edge of the cliff and plunge to their doom.“ If only they would hold the page up to light they would see the two faded words that completed the sentence,” he thought as the darkness closed in on him.
The ancient page with the two faded words stood out starkly in his mind as though burnt into the very core of his consciousness. “ Do not cast yourself off the edge of the cliff lest the wrath of Shing Li descend upon you.”

“We have restored our sacred tradition,” said the high priest as he looked at the writhing bodies at the bottom of the cliff.
“Thank god!” said the young priest

Copyright 2003© Rassool Jibraeel Snyman


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