Topic started by Bhargavi (@ on Wed Jan 23 16:21:34 .
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.

I am from USA,but an Indian.As all Indians i love spicy n tasty food.and I am vegeterian,people say its hard for vegeterian everywhere,but i donna think so.we find many vegeterian reciepes everywhere in all types of cooking.I love cooking different types of food,n i like to make them n learn more about them.
MEXICAN CUSINE ,is one of the cusine which is similar to indian cusine in many ways.The amount of spice they use is very much high,n they include a lots of vegetables like tomatoes,capsicum,garlic,ginger,like most of our cooking.
lets learn some of these exotic reciepes ,because i loved making n eating them,i wish to share it with everyone. do give me ur feedback if u happen to try the reciepe.

Rice 1 ˝ cups
Onion, diced ˝ cup
Garlic, chopped 1 tbsp.
Tomato puree 1 ˝ cups
Parsley, chopped 1 tbsp.
Fresh mushrooms, sliced 1 cup
Cumin powder 1 tsp.
Coriander powder 1 tsp.
Dried red chilies 3 nos.
Oil 3 tbsps.
Salt To taste

1.Heat oil in a thick-bottomed pan and sauté rice over medium heat until opaque yellow and keep stirring to prevent burning.
2.Add onion and garlic and sauté until transparent.

3.Add two cups of water, then stir in tomato puree, parsley, sliced fresh mushrooms, salt, cumin and coriander.

4.Reduce heat to simmering, cover pan and simmer for 20 minutes or until all water is absorbed.

5.Roughly chop dried chilies and stir them in.

6.Serve hot.

Please give a feedback friends! & often reload for more great reciepes!



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