Sasneham Sumithra.The movie which didn't receive the applause it deserved!!!

Topic started by Rahul Balagangadharan (@ on Tue May 18 16:08:44 EDT 2004.
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.

This year I happebed to see Sasneham Sumithra.I should accept that 4 a long time I say a movie which was so realistic.The movie starts with Suresh Gopi who is a widower who marries the heroine(I happened to forget her name).At his place she comes to know more abt his late wife Sumithra.But still it is not proven whether she is dead or alive.But later the body is recovered nearby which wakes the suspicious minds.

A nice movie indeed.Brilliant perfomance but controlled performance from the cast.The greastes thing about the movie is that nothing went beyond a limit.If it is comedy,there no bathroom jokes or scenes just 4 comedy.No vulgurous dialogues.No Biff-Baff at all.But yet the movie failed.Even though it was marketed properly (which it didn't),Can we say the movie would be a hit!!!!


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