Where to shop for music in Chennai/Madras?

Topic started by Ravi Shankar (@ icvbm157.icvbm.iupui.edu) on Fri Dec 3 09:55:22 EST 2004.
All times in EST +10:30 for IST.

I will be going to India next week, and am planning to shop in Chennai. I was wondering if some of the experienced shoppers here can help me with suggestions on the best place(s) to find some of the things I am looking for:
1. The songs of Koteeswara Iyer sung by S. Rajam
2. The two biographies of MS published in the last couple of years (The one by Mr. George, and the more recent 'Ode to Kunjamma' by Lakshmi Viswanathan)
3. DVDs or VCDs of old Tamizh movies
4. DVDs or VCDs of Bharatanatyam
5. Books on music and dance.
THANKS for sharing your expertise.


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